Moments of Place

Transgressing physical, geopolitical, and temporal boundaries these images interrogate ‘moments of place’ between two artists, Adrian Lambert and Scott McMaster, based in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong.

Each image is the result of one photograph taken at the same moment by each artist at two disparate sites. Familiar to each but unknown to the other. The content of each image remains hidden from the other until, through a series of remote software automations, the images are combined, and the two places are fused into one.

The images merge these places, drawn from the practices of everyday life, allowing the production of a new space. This space simultaneously confirms the growing homogeneity of place under the pressures of global forces whilst revealing the distinct characteristics that persist and contrast these two indelibly linked histories.

The methodology used by the artists to make the “double-exposures” not only creates a new space but a new type of artwork as each participant is required to relinquish all significant control of the final work. Not only relinquished to each other, but also to the automated process that blends the source images. The individual artists have become as much spectator as they are creator.



“…the practice of artists working together represents a paradigmatic interrogation of artistic production—with the camera and photograph often operating as enabling vehicles—” -D. Palmer, Photography and Collaboration