McMaster, Scott (2016). Crowdsourced Representation: People’s Drawings of Culture in a Globalized World. In Emme & Shields (Eds.) Emergent Art Education in Canada, pgs. 56-66. Canadian Society for Education though Art (CSEA): Victoria, BC.
scott-mcmaster-proofTag Archives: Scott R. McMaster
Sample Syllabi
Below are two sample syllabi that cover photography and a multimedia course. Courses are meant to be flexible enough to facilitate both specialization and generalists alike.
Teaching Philosophy
Image Based Research
McMaster, Scott (2012). New Approaches to Image-based Research and Visual Literacy. New Horizons in Visual Literacy: Selected Readings of the International Visual Literacy Association (ISBN 978-609-95219-3-0)
Visual Methodologies
McMaster, Scott (2015). Visualizing Research: Crowd Sourcing Technology for Global Understanding. Visual Methodologies. Visual Methodologies, 3(1)
Curriculum Vitae
Publications and Exhibitions
Scott has been photographing the world from his unique perspective for over 15 years and has exhibited in Canada and Asia. His photos explore abstract landscapes of waste and follow the de-evolution of man-made materials, playing upon viewer’s notions of narrative and traditional beauty. His current academic research involves the use of crowd sourcing technologies and image-based research to explore the effects of globalization. Studying imagery from around the world through the lens of popular visual culture he hopes to reveal strategies for teaching visual literacy and ways to integrate the critical assessment of visual culture into formal and informal learning environments. He also enjoys hiking, travel and exploring new cultures.
You can view Scott’s academic profile on, visit his artist’s website at, to read more about his creative work, or explore more of his visual research here on this site.