McMaster, Scott (2016). Crowdsourced onodi: People’s Drawings of Culture in a Globalized World. In Emme & Shields (Eds.) Emergent Art Education na Canada, pgs. 56-66. Canadian Society for Education though Art (CSEA): Victoria, BC.
Scott-McMaster-àmàTag Archives: Scott R. McMaster
sample Syllabi
N'okpuru ebe a bụ abụọ sample syllabi na-ekpuchi foto na a multimedia N'ezie. Ọmụmụ na-pụtara ime mgbanwe iji ikwado ma iche iche na generalists myiri.
izi Philosophy
Image Dabere Research
McMaster, Scott (2012). New Ụzọ isi Image dabeere Research na Visual ịgụ na. Ọhụrụ horizons na Visual ịgụ na: họrọ Agụ nke International Visual ịgụ na Association (ISBN 978-609-95219-3-0)
Visual Methodologies
McMaster, Scott (2015). Visualizing Research: Crowd Sourcing Technology for Global Understanding. Visual Methodologies. Visual Methodologies, 3(1)
akwụkwọ eji achọ ọrụ
Publications and Exhibitions
Scott e photographing ụwa si ya iche na ihe karịrị 15 ọtụtụ afọ, o gosipụtawo na Canada na Asia. Ya photos inyocha nkịtị Okirikiri nke n'efu na-eso de-evolushọn nke mmadụ mere ihe, akpọ n'elu onyenlereanya si notions nke alụso ọrịa na omenala mma. Ya ugbu a agụmakwụkwọ nnyocha agụnye iji ihe ìgwè mmadụ sourcing teknụzụ na image dabeere research inyocha mmetụta nke ụwa ọnụ. -Amụ imagery si gburugburu ụwa site na oghere nke na-ewu ewu visual omenala ọ na-enwe olileanya na-ekpughe atụmatụ dị iche iche maka ịkụziri visual mmuta na ụzọ iwekota oké egwu ntule nke visual omenala n'ime nkịtị na mmụta gburugburu. He also enjoys hiking, njem na ịgagharị ọdịbendị ọhụrụ.
Ị nwere ike ịlele Scott si agụmakwụkwọ profaili na, visit his artist’s website at, to read more about his creative work, ma ọ bụ inyocha ihe nke ya visual nnyocha ebe a na saịtị a.