Tag Archives: Scott R. McMaster

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A binciken da aka bayyana a nan aka gudanar da Scott R. McMaster, a Newfoundland born artist and educator now living in Montreal and a new Ph.D. in art Education at Concordia University. His dissertation ‘Crowdsourcing Global Culture: Visual Representation in the Age of Informationwas funded by the QC Government and has earned him the National Art Education Association’s prestigious ‘Elliot Eisner Doctoral Dissertation Award’, the highest accolade for an emerging scholar in the field of fine arts education.


Scott grew up in the small city of Corner Brook and discovering a love for photography enrolled in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program at Sir Wilfred Grenfell School of Fine Arts. There he dabbled in just about every area of visual arts and majored in photography and multimedia/sculpture, kammala a 2000.


Scott ya bar gidansa garin tafiya da koyar da kasashen waje a Asia da kuma Korea. Ya rayu, yi aiki da tafiya can a cikin shekaru takwas da ya kõma zuwa ga karatu a 2008 later completing a Masters of Education in Information Technology from Memorial University in 2010.


Scott An photographing duniya daga na musamman hangen zaman gaba fiye da 15 shekaru da kuma ya nuna a Canada da kuma Asia. Da photos gano m shimfidar wurare na sharar gida kuma bi de-juyin halittar mutum ya kayan, wasa a kan viewer ta notions na labari da kuma na gargajiya beauty. Da a halin yanzu ilimi da bincike ya shafi yin amfani da taron Samuwa fasahar da image tushen bincike don gano da sakamakon duniya. Yin nazarin hasashe daga ko'ina cikin duniya, ta hanyar da ruwan tabarau na rare gani al'adu yana fatan ya bayyana dabarun koyarwa na gani rubuce-rubuce da kuma hanyoyin da za a hade da m kima na gani al'adu a cikin m kuma na ilmantarwa muhallin. He also enjoys hiking, tafiya da binciko sababbin al'adu.

Zaka iya duba Scott ta ilimi profile on Academia.edu, visit his artist’s website at UntitledArtist.com, to read more about his creative work, ko gano karin da ya gani bincike nan a kan wannan shafin.