Busan Metropolitan Subway Exhibition

2009: Busan Metropolitan Subway Exhibition. Curator: Song Baek. Busan, South Korea.

Digital & analogue photography,  sculpture, music and theater, choral and b-boy dance blend of foreigners in Busan Subway Festival next month commencing at Yeongsan Dong Station and lasting from the 2nd-9th of November.

The festival is sponsored by the Busan Transportation Corporation (President gimguhyeon) and organized by the Busan Citizens’ Alliance for autonomous participation of the community colleges and received funding from  the Buan Arts Council and Beomsimin Medicine. During the festival  each subway station will have performances, hip-hop dance,  Busan Department of Practical Arts & broadcasting dance and belly dance, Killa B-Boy Dance Monkeys, etc. followed by various performances and exhibitions. ( Read original Korean)


Photo: Busan Subway Festival Opening Ceremony.